Again the weather was on our side for the the second Aedda’s Feast, and a good amount of revellers managed to make a grand total of £510 for Afghanaid – a teriffic result.
Thanks must go in the main to Richard Inman who organised the event again and put his enormous amount of energy in to making it a fantastic event for children and adults alike. The team ably led by Simon O’Shea at the BBQ provided beautifully cooked lamb, pheasant and beef burgers all coming with 0 food miles from Adstockfields.
This annual event sees the anointing of the Orchard King and Queen which was performed with much relief by last year’s royals (the Townleys). It was the unanimous decision that it should be the Kellys to take the honour, with dad Nick abdicating early on in favour of his better looking and arguably more sensible son Carson.
The Children were treated to a film under the stars and the adults partied in to the night around the fire bowl and in the music tent. Considering how much had been drunk, it didn’t sound too bad – or that maybe my judgement had been impaired!
We really appreciate all the effort people took to come up and enjoy the orchard, although numbers were down from last year, a great time was had by all and a huge amount was raised – thank you.