For the second year in a row the weather stayed superb for the Adstock village camp out in the orchard, to be known for evermore as Aedda’s Feast – named after Adstocks original Anglo-Saxon resident.
Villagers turned up in their droves to camp in Adstockistan and to enjoy some excellent food and drink, a film under the stars for the children, storytelling from Diana Booth-Medden’s own hand and a good chat by the fire. A special ceremony was arranged by Nick Kelly for a lucky couple who were crowned the King and Queen for a year which went to the reluctant Townley’s who promised to stitch someone up good and proper next year for the embarrassment of being paraded around the villagers on an old tractor dressed up like Ken and Barbie at prom night.
All the meat came from within the boundaries of Adstockfields, including lamb, muntjac and pheasant which was prepared and cooked beautifully by Simon O’Shea and his sous chefs Andrew Jarvis and Diana Booth-Medden.
A special thanks goes to Richard Inman who once again organised the whole event. Richard is leaving the village, but not moving too far away and was given a ceremonial key to the orchard to signify that no matter where he moves he will always be an Adstocki. It is also hoped that the gift will serve as an emotional bribe for him to organise Aedda’s feast yet again – should have bought a house further away Richard!!
Again, voluntary donations were asked for and we managed to raise £265 pounds for Afghanaid.